Friday, November 12, 2010

......phinally home.

I would be honored to say officially.....i feel home. It's going on my 3rd year here in Philadelphia, and I continuously find myself admiring the city more and more. The people, the atmosphere, the food scene,the art, old architechture, the small town feel in a big city...what more could i ask for. I've told Eddie on more than one occasion that I'm in love with Philly. I want to live here...I want to raise a family around here. Not yet, of course! But, eventually...and if we leave, then I want to come back. It's the first place I've been, that I can see myself being comfortable, happy, and alive.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

its def a peg leg kinda nite

so, i cant remember the last time i wrote on this thing...and i dont really know what has changed.  as you all know (and by all i mean the 2 of you) i only have one job..i still live in philly, i went to my dream concert this past fall, and have yet to visit the best friends i have ever had.  i know.  i suck.  as charlie waffles continuously claws at my toes, i realize that life doesnt seem to be as wonderfully awesome as people try to make it out to be.  My plans are slowly going down the drain; which is unfortunate because i honestly think they were very good plans.  Not that im giving up completely, but i have come to the point that i dont really know what to do next.  School...maybe, thats what i keep telling myself.  Italy perhaps...only if a certain someone will come with me.  West coast, is it really what i think it is?  Or do i stay here now...the place i said i would never return to.  Do i stay close to home, to be close to my see Brayden grow up, or do i leave, do i live my life selfishly?  Growing up, i wanted to be married by 25 and have kids by 27...thats stil my plan.  But the person that would make that possible right now...has an ENTIRELY different agenda.  Not that im stressing, because well, im not there yet.  But i want answers.  i want to know.  When will the skies clear up?  I constantly catch myself dreaming of well, nothing more than the perfect life.  i need help getting it through my thick skull..that well, things just dont work out the way we want them to...not exactly anyway.  There are always changes, conflicts, detours if you must..and well, i have to learn to overcome them.  anyway...sorry for the babbling...but like i is a peg leg kinda nite.  (they were all outta double bags.)  =)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

finally the sun!

so, finally the sun has decided to come out more often then not..and thats great.  except, im beginning to remember how much time we actually get to spend in it...and well, thats not so much!  all day at work..and all night to myself... i dont know what to do with myself.  I love riding my bike around philly, but im slowly beginning to realize that well, a beach cruiser, just doesnt fit...but its soooooo comfortable, and awesome that i really dont care! haha. i love one job...but i absolutely hate the other! how do you be polite when quitting a job..because i would love to!!!!!!  the money is good, but i dont know if its worth my frustration.  On a better note... i signed up for philly car share, and im really really really excited about it. i miss driving soo much, and now i can when i want, and whatever car i want. how awesome is that?!?! I dont know what to say.... i miss my friends & family...i miss providence.... i miss my dog that i stupidly gave away..and i miss my freakin cat!  i love philly...i love eddie... i love work.  Is life always like this?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

madam moiselle.... le bec fin....

so.. last nite i was lucky enough to eat at the four star restaurant... le bec fin.  Chef Jeff took me on a date  (konrad is jealous of course) but we sat and enjoyed the almost flawless 7 courses with paired wines that the chef wanted us to try.  The plates were gorgeous, the food was all cooked to perfection.... lacking a bit of salt here and there but it happens; I couldn't ask for a better job from the kitchen.  Most of the front of the house was on point, except for, or it seemed anyway, our waiter.  And not to try and sound special, but technically speaking, we were VIP.  Friends of ed konrad, who made the reservation, friends of the chef, as well as a fellow employee in the company.  The bill did not matter...we wanted more (especially with the 50% discount i get apparently).  It felt as if every table was getting all of his attention, and us practically none... not to mention he must have ran into other people at least 15 times through the course of our just shy 4 hour dinner.  Leaning on chairs while talking, coffee for chef and not myself.... spoon for his coffee with no sugar, his life experiences as we bite into the extraordinary flavors of the french kitchen.  It did not ruin my meal, thankfully.  It was just a bit of a disappointment.  Overall it was a phenomenal experience and i would most definitely go back for another.  I do recommend eating there... but make sure you do it right.  Don't order, or at least do the tasting menu.  You need to taste more than two dishes... and the wine pairings are perfect.  Treat yourself... it's worth it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

always a loong day 1

so i started my new job today, Paradiso is the name of the restaurant.. check it out if you'd like.  it was pretty sweet... a lil intense though.  Not work wise, but more so in the sense that it's always tough getting comfortable with the surroundings.  where are the two mixing bowls? how does this oven work... and how off is it... because it is waaaay hotter than 325! do we have a ok. what do i need for service, or do the prep cooks/mexicans handle that?  wheres the parchment...foil..plastic wrap?!!? wait.. do we have egg yolks...or do i separate all 960g of them?  ok..great...can we use the whites for anything, coz that is a lot of whites!  so yea... it was a good day, i feel like i didnt get much done, 3 hours and only choc. toffee bread pudding and tiramisu, plus running around like a crazy person... so, i feel like a slacker.  hopefully friday will be that i am a little more familiar with what i have to work with, and how they do things.  its good though... im happy for me.  =)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

finally!  i was so used to the 40 hours of school, maybe more plus the 40 hours of work...dropped down to maybe 40 hours of work and no school... talk about change.  things are beginning to look up.  I scored a new part time job, in south philly, making pastries of course.  It's a small italian joint... reminds me of zooma in some way, shape or form.  I am excited. Very excited.  I make my own hours, and basically have all the freedom I could ask for.  Plus the owners, a married couple, are two great down to earth people.  awesome. did i say i was excited?  i can't wait to start... tuesday... 5 days...woo hoo!  I hope it goes as well as it sounds.  In a perfect world, it will be a very relaxing, yet creative atmosphere... working with great people, serving great food, and just having a great time.  (can i say "great" one more time?) track a bit.  Hopefully i will learn a lot, even if it's me teaching myself... I'm looking forward to it.  I think it'll make me a lil happier.. and well thats good news for everyone.  Can't wait to tell you more!   


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

...spoiled... =)

so, i will be the first to admit, well i think so anyway... that i was one of the most spoiled children growing up...and even now.  my parents are great, to good actually. And now, that I'm actually out of their house, living on my own, supporting myself in all i do... i get spoiled in a completely different way... with food.  Tonight, braised lamb shanks, sauteed dinosaur kale, and a burnt cinnamon chocolate sauce.  It smells delicious...looks delicious....and well...tastes not to be gross but well.... orgasmic.  (wink wink)  Trust me... you wish you had food this good to eat, on an almost daily basis.  Don't be jealous! haha.  At least I can always count on food and the person cooking to bring some instant pleasures to my life.  =)
